Frank Chiaro In The Press
An Interview With Frank Chiaro About His Trip To Ecuador
October 30, 2022, Vocal Media
Frank Chiaro talks about his recent 5-week trip to Ecuador volunteering at the world renowned nature reserve known as Tesoro Escondido Reserve.
Frank Chiaro’s Experience In Ecuador
December 1, 2022, Medium
For as long as he can remember, Frank Chiaro has been passionate about environmental science, and what it all entails. He is fascinated by the different plants and animals within different environments, and has continued to expand his understanding through the years.
Technology Trends From 2022
December 1, 2022, Medium
Various factors, such as security considerations, privacy concerns, and the increasing need for software and hardware development, have influenced the rise of new technology.
How to Practice Your Artistic Skills
February 1, 2022, Elephant Journal
Drawing has always been a popular pastime. Before the invention of photography, sketches were used to illustrate books and to capture the likeness of a loved one.
What to Buy as a First-Time Painter
February 24, 2022, Elephant Journal
With the prolonged effects of COVID still upending lives throughout the world, people are seeking ways to occupy their time. Some may be reviving old hobbies or becoming more invested in their current ones, while others are pursuing new creative outlets.